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we will talk about how to use anywise for applying architectural patterns in event driven microservices

Terms and concepts

Before we start, let's clearify some terms and concept, so that you know what do we mean when we use these words.

  • A Message is a pure data object that is used to carry data that is needed for our application to respond. Also known as data transfer object.

  • A Message class often contains no behavior(method), and is immutable.

Command, Query and Event

  • Command carries pre-define intend, each command should have a corresponding handler that will mutate state, in the context of DDD, each command will always trigger a behavior of an aggregate root.

  • Query is a subclass of Command, where it also carry pre-define intend, but instead of mutate state, it will be responded by a present state of the application.

In other words, command and query corresponds to write and read.

  • Event carries a record of an interested domain-related activity, often captures the side effect caused by a Command. an Event can have zero to many listeners


anywise can be used to publish domain events, without specifically collect events from entity


def collect_new_events(self):
    for product in self.products.seen:

Vertical slicing

we can use anywise to avoid direct dependent on other slices.

for example, given two slice, order and payment, we want order to process once payment is finished

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
from app.base.auth import AuthService
from app.payments.message import CreatePayment, PaymentResponse
from import PaymentService

router = APIRouter()"/", response_model=PaymentResponseSchema)
def create_payment(
    create_payment: CreatePayment, current_user: str = Depends(AuthService.get_current_user)
    res = await anywise.send(create_payment, dict(user=current_user))
    event = PaymentCreatedEvent(
    await anywise.publish(event)
    return res

in order service, we can listen to the event

from app.order.service import OrderService

async def start_order(event: PaymentCreatedEvent):
    await order_service.start_order(event.payment_id)


Event Sourcing

Choreography, Orchestration