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Genius simplicity, unmathced power.

ididi is 100% test covered and strictly typed.

No Container, No Provider, No Wiring, just Python



Source Code:


$ pip install ididi
To view viusal dependency graph, install `graphviz`
$ pip install "ididi[graphviz]"


Quick Start

from ididi import use, entry, AsyncResource

async def conn_factory(engine: AsyncEngine) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncConnection, None]:
    async with engine.begin() as conn:
        yield conn

class UnitOfWork:
    def __init__(self, conn: AsyncConnection=use(conn_factory)):
        self._conn = conn

async def main(command: CreateUser, uow: UnitOfWork):
    await uow.execute(build_query(command))

await main(CreateUser(name='user'))

This would create a UnitOfWork instance with a connection from conn_factory when main is called.

Why Ididi?

ididi helps you do this while stays out of your way, you do not need to create additional classes like Container, Provider, Wire, nor adding lib-specific annotation like Closing, Injectable, etc.

ididi provides unique powerful features that most alternatives don't have, such as support to inifinite number of context-specific nested sopce, lazydependent, advanced circular dependency detection, plotting, etc.

Let's now explore these fantastic feaures in the Features section.

To di, or not to di, this is my question

If you

  • Are not familar with dependency injection, or OOP in general.
  • Can't come up with cases where it would be useful.
  • You fee like it's java and you have javaphobia.

Let's discuss in the Introduction section.